Not Amused

By Mandi K

*Disclaimer Time* Couple things...first, as far as I know, these are not really U2's screen names. I made them up, (I'm evil like that). Secondly, I don't even know if these guys, (well, Bono and Edge do), own computers...this is a FICTIONAL writing. So don't beg me for their addys or anything coz if I had them I would be busy talking to them instead of posting up stupid fics for you. Now, I've already said before that I do, in fact, OWN one fourth of U2 as Larry is in my closet. I have to upgrade this information to HALF of U2, because Bono is now cooped up in my other closet, (I have two...and I can't think of where I'll shove Edge or Adam if I get them as well). I don't know how long this will last though. Bono keeps having "accidents" on the floor *grins at Edgette*, Larry keeps eating my shoes and every time I let the two out at the same time they bite each other, but we'll see...On with the mindless fic!

This fic is in honor of J, Jesse, MandY and Chesh for supplying me with the inspiration to basically throw the members of U2 into one of our pointless random conversations. *nods**

Larry sat down at his laptop, holding a cup of strong black coffee and humming 'Look At Me'. He watched idly as the computer booted up. When it was done, he logged onto the Internet. While checking his email, an invitation to a chat room popped up on his screen. Larry clicked on "join" and the chatroom window materialized:

<chicksdigme has entered the room>

Larry immediately began to type:

chicksdigme says: Hi
springfield_spoons says: 'Sup G.
BeanieBoy says: ADAM! Stop being ghetto!
springfield_spoons says: Aww, but it's fun!
harrybollocks77 says: *pondering* I'm a rich rock star...why don't I just buy new friends?
chicksdigme says: Because there is no price for putting up with your arse.
harrybollocks77 says: *nods* good to know...
BeanieBoy says: I can't find my Beastie Boys MP3...
springfield_spoons says: Hee, hee...
BeanieBoy says: Lemme guess...Adam hid it to annoy me.
harrybollocks77: Who else?
springfield_spoons says: You know who's really hot?
chicksdigme says: You say Naomi Campbell and I'm beating the shit out of you.
springfield_spoons says: No, no...learned my lesson there!
harrybollocks77 says: So who's really hot then?
springfield_spoons says: *grins* Edge!
BeanieBoy says: DAMMIT ADAM! *smacks the fuck out of Adam*
springfield_spoons says: Oh, no! Edge is sissy slapping me!
BeanieBoy says: Shuddup!
chicksdigme says: Heh, heh...
BeanieBoy: You wanna be next Prettyboy?
harrybollocks77 says: So, uh...when are we know...write new songs?

There was a long pause in the conversation and Larry scowled at his screen with disgust. Finally, he typed something:

chicksdigme says: You got some lyrics for us, Bono?
harrybollocks77 says: *pause*...I'll shut up.
chicksdigme says: Thought as much.
springfield_spoons says: LMAO
BeanieBoy says: I have 'Pride' stuck in my head.
harrybollocks77 says: Ugh.
chicksdigme says: I can't remember if I've ever had a U2 song stuck in my head.
harrybollocks77 says: I had 'Miami' in my head once for a week! *grimaces at the memory* What were we on when we wrote that one?
springfield_spoons says: I LIKE that song!
harrybollocks77 says: Yeah, okay.
springfield_spoons says: Well, I DO!
BeanieBoy says: Dammit Adam! Where did you put that MP3?
chicksdigme says: Did you check your recycle bin?
BeanieBoy says: ...No... *goes to look*
springfield_spoons says: Larry's a traitor!
chicksdigme says: Well, you shouldn't hide other people's things!
BeanieBoy says: Found it! Adam why did you try to throw it away? Even better question...why are you TOUCHING my computer?
springfield_spoons says: Why not?
BeanieBoy says: I'm never letting you near my lap top again...
harrybollocks77 says: I met a fan yesterday.
chicksdigme says: Ooooo, never met one of THOSE before...
BeanieBoy: So?
harrybollocks77 says: He said he didn't realize he was gay until he saw us in concert.
chicksdigme says: !?
springfield_spoons says: Well, sure! I mean, any man would turn gay after a look at LOVELY Larry...
chicksdigme says: Suck my @#%$.
springfield_spoons says: Actually, I'm not interested, but it sounds like Bono knows a guy...
harrybollocks77 says: ACTUALLY, he said that he saw the "femininity" in us when we performed...though I'm not sure what that means.
BeanieBoy says: Maybe it was your grinding up against the mic stand. LOL
chicksdigme says: Or your grinding up against Edge...
springfield_spoons says: HAHA!
BeanieBoy says: <=== Not amused.
springfield_spoons says: Aww, c'mon Edge, get a sense of humor!
BeanieBoy says: Sorry, I lost my sense of humor after the trauma of seeing you in a "sarong"...
chicksdigme says: Ooooo...FIGHT!
harrybollocks77 says: Heh, heh!
springfield_spoons says: Okay, this coming from a man whose screen name is "BeanieBoy"...RIIIIIIIGHT.
chicksdigme says: *wants to read this fight about as much as he wants to hear Edge sing a Monkees tune* La, la, la...
harrybollocks77 says: lmao!
chicksdigme says: Paul told me he wants us to meet "someone" tomorrow... *shivers*
BeanieBoy says: Oh, no... *cries*
harrybollocks77 says: I miss my bubble pants from the PopMart Tour.
chicksdigme says: ...WHY?
harrybollocks77 says: Well, they made me look...well...
springfield_spoons says: a bit bigger than you really are? LOL
chicksdigme says: LMAO!!!
BeanieBoy says: haha! I bet Ali misses them too!
chicksdigme says: *dies of laughter*
harrybollocks77 says: ACTUALLY, Mr. Non-Arse, we're doing just fine without them...let me introduce you to John Abraham...
springfield_spoons says: Why did you name him that anyway? That's a stupid name if I ever heard one. Now, Elijah Bob Patricus Guggi Q...THERE'S a name to be proud of!
harrybollocks77 says: why don't you have your own children so you can name them whatever the hell you want?
springfield_spoons says: Ah, touché!
BeanieBoy: I do so have an arse!
chicksdigme says: Hey, I thought Adam was supposed to be the slow one!
BeanieBoy says: Shuddup.
springfield_spoons says: Yeah! I'M the slow one...hey, wait...
chicksdigme says: SEE?
harrybollocks77 says: LOL!!!
chicksdigme says: By the way, Bono, I saw you pinch Edge's arse during 'Until The End Of The World' yesterday.
harrybollocks77 says: LIES!
springfield_spoons says: Well, no wonder you're turning our fans gay!
harrybollocks77 says: I was a *coughs* good boy last night!
chicksdigme says: Edge, did he pinch your arse?
BeanieBoy says: ...Maybe.
springfield_spoons says: That's a yes. lol
harrybollocks77 says: Edggggggge, tell them the TRUTH!
BeanieBoy says: Okay, okay...yes, Bono pinched my arse.
harrybollocks77 says: D'OH!
chicksdigme says: LOL
springfield_spoons says: lmao
harrybollocks77 says: *wishes Edge wouldn't be so damn honest* I don't remember doing that...
BeanieBoy says: *grins* neither do I.
chicksdigme says: LMAO!
harrybollocks77 says: FUCKING WANKER! You're a bloody liar now???
BeanieBoy says: You speak/type as though you didn't already know this about me.
springfield_spoons says: Heh, heh...
harrybollocks77 says: That's chance I get I'm stealing ALL your beanies!
BeanieBoy says: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
chicksdigme says: *can't breathe coz he's laughing so hard*
springfield_spoons says: Hahahahaha!
harrybollocks77 says: *grumbles something about getting better friends and then watches Larry kiss his gorgeous reflection in a mirror*
chicksdigme says: I DO NOT do that! That was YOU, Mr. Mirrorball Man!
harrybollocks77 says: Where do you think I got the idea?
BeanieBoy says: *laughs*
springfield_spoons says: Oh, Lordy...
harrybollocks77 says: *sings* You've been stealing from the theiiiiives and you got caught!
chicksdigme says: Shut it Bono. *smacks Bono on the nose*
springfield_ spoons says: Hey, leave Bono's honker alone!
BeanieBoy says: Yes, the snoz is holy ground!
harrybollocks77 says: Honker? SNOZ?
chicksdigme says: LOL
springfield_spoons says: I could just imagine the up roar with the Bono fans if he got a nose job!
BeanieBoy says: They'd probably pelt red clown noses at him every time he went out!
harrybollocks77 says: I like my HONKER just fine, thank you.
chicksdigme says: Yeah, I like it too.
harrybollocks77 says: You do?
chicksdigme says: Yeah, sure...makes my nose look smaller.
harrybollocks77 says: ARSEHOLE!
springfield_spoons says: lmao
BeanieBoy says: Bono...
harrybollocks77 says: What?
BeanieBoy says: I was just looking at your screen name and...
chicksdigme says: Yeah! Was there really 76 more guys with the screen name harrybollocks?
harrybollocks77 says: You'd be surprised!
springfield_spoons says: *shakes head* what kind of world do we live in when there's 77 guys running around with the screen name harrybollocks?
chicksdigme says: lol
BeanieBoy says: That IS pretty disturbing.
chicksdigme says: Alright, guys...I'm gonna get off.
harrybollocks77 says: Aww, Lard Ass...
chicksdigme says: I'm gonna go out now....some clubs.
BeanieBoy says: yeah, me too.
harrybollocks77 says: so am I.
springfield_spoons says: ditto.
chicksdigme says: Talk to you guys later.
harrybollocks says: Later gator
springfield_spoons says: au revoir
BeanieBoy says: Bye.

Larry logged off the Internet and shut off his laptop. He snapped it closed and then turned around to his other three band members who are spread around his living room with laptops of their own balancing on their knees.

"Ready to go clubbing guys?" Larry asked.
"Ready as ever," Adam nodded, shutting his laptop closed.

The four stood up and walked out Larry's front door, grabbing their jackets and keys on the way out.


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