For You

By Mandi K

Bono's eyes squeezed closed tightly and his black hair fell into his face, clinging to his forehead. He could feel the sweat under his shirt, running down his back...the rattling in his jaw from Larry's heavy bass drum, the incessant chiming of Edge's guitar...the raw thump of Adam's bass.
He couldn't do much, Bono had always felt, but what he could do he would do with all he had. He knew that U2 lived for that moment, that live, exploding moment, and he knew that moment was right now. Bono didn't think - no, Bono KNEW there wasn't a hope in hell of him pulling this one off alone.
Bono turned around, facing Larry, his back to the crowd. Bono was breathless, overwhelmed by the song. When he turned to Larry he was surprised not to see the top of Larry's head as he usually did, but instead found Larry to be looking right back at him, worry spread across his face. Edge and Adam may not have noticed that Bono was drained of all inspiration, but Larry could apparently tell. Bono walked toward the drum kit, toward Larry, mumbling the words to 'Bad' halfheartedly and feeling like his legs were about to give out.
Larry always sat in the back, hiding behind his drums, much how Bono had come to hide behind his shades. Bono understood why Larry was like that; it was easier than putting yourself out there, but easier wasn't always the right path. Bono always felt that Larry never felt "IT" like Bono did. Bono had had a nagging feeling since they started the band twenty-three years ago that Larry never got the full experience playing live because Larry never took that terrifying chance of making a scene, making a louder noise, and standing out from his bandmates. All the others did it at one point or another every night. Bono the most, Edge often enough and even Adam would come out of his shell to shine through on songs like 'New Year's Day'. Larry...well, Larry didn't usually go all out for extra attention...ANY attention, truthfully. Larry never put himself out there all the way. Bono was about to ask him to.
He stared at Larry, blinking away the sweat rolling into his eyes, trying to desperately communicate his plea. He was losing it; losing his grip on the song. He was on the verge of having a bad night and watching the whole show go down the drain.
Larry stared back at him for what must have only been a few moments, though they felt like an eternity to Bono. I'm falling, Lawrence, Bono thought, PLEASE pick me up...I need PASSION, I need INSPIRATION. Are you willing to poke out of your shell and lend a hand to your best mate before he dies in front of twenty-two thousand people?
In an instant, Larry looked away, going back to his drums, and Bono's shoulders sank. He could - or wouldn't - do it. He was leaving Bono to pick up himself. But Bono already knew there was no way he could. The rest of the show was going to be shit. Bono slowly turned around to face his fans, his face betraying him by showing the great disappointment he felt in his friend and in himself. He cherished the few moments before he would have to struggle with the next dreaded verse.
Then without warning, everything shifted. The drums lifted, changed sonically, moving up and out, spreading over Bono like a warm blanket. Bono whirled around to see Larry's head down as he pounded the drums relentlessly, his face proving him to be in extremely deep concentration. He was sweating freely and bouncing up and down in his seat to the bass drum, practically standing up, two things Larry hardly ever did. Bono's mouth twitched at one end with a hidden smile and Larry glanced up at him quickly, his crystal blue eyes telling Bono what he already knew: "I'm doing this for you."
Bono grinned, the passion and conviction in Larry's playing touching a place deep in Bono soul, a part of him that would forever be Larry's number one fan. Bono could feel the spiritual move within himself, could feel his mood being lifted just by that one thought: "I'm doing this for you."
He was overjoyed by the loyalty and compassion of a wonderful friendship with an equally wonderful person, someone who had been there for him any time he had ever needed him. How could Bono have even believed that Larry wouldn't pull through for him? Bono rose up and sang like he hadn't sung in months, his deepest feelings bursting through as he emoted:
"If I know I would...If I could, I would let it go...this desperation...dislocation...separation...condemnation, revelation, in temptation, I-SO-LATION, DE-SO-LATION, LET IT GO...and so FADE AWAY..."
Edge looked up, startled at Larry's sudden ferocity and Bono's out burst of emotion. The crowd roared approval and sang along, nearly drowning out Bono. Adam looked at Larry and smirked in genuine surprise as Larry pulled the rest of the band into repeating part of the song, widening it in length. Every time Larry would push harder, Bono would retaliate, singing louder and clearer and with even more emotion than before. Edge looked at Adam, amazed, as if to say, "What the hell is going on here?" Adam smiled and shrugged back, as if to say, "Who cares? It works!"
Larry threw the band into the instrumental ending and Bono took off down the heart ramp until he got to the tip, where he stopped unconsciously, without even thinking about it. He half expected himself to keep on running, right into the crowd. He paused, gazing around the hundreds...THOUSANDS of outstretched hands surrounding him, and then turned back to his band, kneeling down as 'Bad' ended with a crash.
"Larry Mullen Junior!" Bono said breathlessly into his mic, motioning with his hand back toward Larry as loud cheering swelled up from every direction.
"...The best mate in the world. Thank you, Lawrence."


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