70 Ways to Know You’re a U2 Fan~

By Mandi

*You Know You’re a U2 Fan if...*


  1. Someone says “You too,” and you scream “WHERE?” whipping out a Polaroid camera, a sharpie and a U2 album/picture you always have handy in your pocket.

  2. Lemons have a spiritual meaning to you.

  3. Someone says “It’s a beautiful day” and you automatically reply, “Don’t let it get away!”

  4. All your best friends know Larry’s birthday, (Halloween, 1961), his middle name, (Joseph), and even know his eating habits, (vegetarian).

  5. Everyone comes to you to settle bets on what the correct way to say Bono’s name is, (Bon-oh).

  6. No one knows you by name. They just call you “The Adam Clayton lover”.

  7. Your report on what caused the Second World War somehow leads to what brilliant a move Achtung Baby was.

  8. You haven’t listen to a CD by any other band in over three months.

  9. The lyrics to ‘Always’ (“and always wear a safety belt”) tend to annoy you.

  10. When you drive by a bar called “Over The Edge” you comment to your friend that the Edge should sue them for rights over his name.

  11. You almost get fired from your job because all you do is surf through U2 sites on the web all day.

  12. You scream “BOOMCHA!” when going down a roller coaster.

  13. Just to tease you, your friends are constantly saying things like, “So I went to fly a KITE on a BEAUTIFUL DAY and lost it in a JOSHUA TREE, so I STILL HAVEN’T FOUND WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR…but I wouldn’t climb the tree coz I had too much PRIDE. Besides, that one may be GONE, but I’ll get a new one IN A LITTLE WHILE.”

  14. You write an English thesis on the many reasons it’s possible that Bono could be God.

  15. In celebration of Larry’s birthday you walk around all day with pictures of him taped to your body, (don’t laugh, I actually did this!).

  16. Your parents used to like U2…of course that was before you played every single album over and over again for (a) year(s) straight.

  17. You have converted some of your friends into U2 fans.

  18. When most would consider a giant lemon chasing them a bad thing, you like the idea because there’s always a chance that there might be a U2 member inside it.

  19. You don’t have to listen to ‘New Year’s Day’ on your CD player…it’s permanently imprinted in your mind.

  20. Everyone, (including yourself), are quite sure that your children will be disowned if they don’t grow up to love U2.

  21. You think Bono is seriously sexy.

  22. You find an argument on Wire about the height of Bono and Larry, (who really is shorter?), fascinating, (it’s Larry).

  23. You can name what year a picture of the band was taken just by their haircuts…even Larry’s.

  24. You started to like olives after seeing PopMart.

  25. You drink more orange juice just because you learned that Larry likes it so much.

  26. You can explain Adam’s “infatuation” with spoons.

  27. You didn’t want kids until you discovered that Edge has five.

  28. You would go into a burning building to save your Joshua Tree CD.

  29. You daydream about Edge coming to your house wearing one of his cowboy hats from the Pop-era…and nothing else.

  30. Your teachers know who U2 is because of you.

  31. Your boss knows who U2 is because of you.

  32. You actually heed u2.com’s warning: phoning your family, friends and boss, and telling them that you’ll be too busy to talk to them all day.

  33. You have an empty tape just to record anything that involves U2 on TV.

  34. You have ten empty tapes to record anything that involves U2 on TV.

  35. You hear ‘Even Better Than The Real Thing’ playing over the PA speakers at your local Kmart and go into the lingerie section, yelling, “I know you’re here…Bono? Larry? Adam? Edge??? Please, guys…come on out!”

  36. You see four guys walking down the street: one with wire rim glasses, another with short blonde hair and a tight black tee shirt, another with black hair and colored shades and a final one with a beanie atop his head. You jump them, screaming like an idiot, and then, (after realizing you’ve just scared the shit out of four complete strangers who are not U2), scold them on their appearance, claiming that they’re trying to “torture” you and swearing that they’re lucky you have more self control than most U2 fans.

  37. You meet someone whose first words to you are: “U2 sucks” and they suddenly find themselves in a very tight headlock, courtesy of you, as you scream, “Take it back, Scum!”

  38. You see graffiti on a wall as you drive by and pull over just to make sure it doesn’t read, “Rock and Roll stops the Traffic”. If it does, you spray paint “AMEN” next to it.

  39. You like ‘Big Girls Are Best’ just because you’ve been waiting all your life to hear Bono sing “sexy momma”.

  40. You pray to God every night that you can be Ali, just to be with Bono. If you’re a guy, you pray that one day you’ll be able to pull off wearing Bono-like shades without getting lunches hurled at you in the cafeteria.

  41. Your little brother can’t spell his own name yet, but can rattle off every U2 album…in chronological order.

  42. Your cat is named “Larry”, your parrot is named “Mullen” and you are at the moment fighting with the rest of your family over naming the new dog “Junior”.

  43. You travel all the way to Europe just to get the uncensored covers of Achtung Baby and Boy.

  44. You swear you can hear Larry’s biceps bulging on ‘Last Night On Earth’.

  45. You can perfectly imitate Adam’s head bopping move that he has when he plays.

  46. You find a secret message in the tee shirts Edge has been wearing recently.

  47. You decide to go see the TombRaider movie just because U2 is on the soundtrack, (guilty as charged!).

  48. Every year you try to find a way to really have love light up your Christmas tree.

  49. You get a blond Afro in honor of Adam’s early days.

  50. You carry a picture of U2 in your wallet.

  51. U2 fans on the streets ask you for your autograph.

  52. You complain to anyone who will listen how it’s not fair that you’ve only seen U2 in concert 62 times.

  53. Your biology teacher tells your class that you’ll be looking at a dead fly under a microscope and you start to cry and call the teacher a “Bono murderer”.

  54. You get your friends U2 CDs for Christmas and your friends call it “spreading the disease”.

  55. You are aware that Larry drops his stick during the album version of ‘Ultra Violet (Light My Way)’.

  56. You call Bill Flanagan’s book “U2: Until The End Of The World” the “U2 Bible”.

  57. Your CD ratio of “normal” CDs to U2 CDs is 1 to 22.

  58. You vent in your private journal that you wish Bono would “take off those damn shades”...with ten exclamation points at the end.

  59. You nearly had a heart attack when you saw how short Larry’s hair was in the ‘Beautiful Day’ video.

  60. You can associate flying elephants with U2.

  61. Someone says “It’s a beautiful day” and everyone else looks at you for instant reaction.

  62. You place bets with your friends on how many names Bono’s new son is going to have.

  63. People know you’ve been to a classroom because they find a scrap of paper on a desk with a sketch of Adam and Larry on it.

  64. Your best friend called you during the 2000 Grammy Awards and said: “You won a Grammy! Er…I mean, U2 won a Grammy.”

  65. You can decipher little stories out of the U2 album booklets.

  66. You’ve been so U2 obsessed that someone mentions Britney Spears and you ask who she is.

  67. You know Bono’s first son Eli’s whole name, (Elijah Bob Patricus Guggi Q).

  68. You can tell the “Good” U2 from the “Bad” U2 in the music video for ‘Elevation’.

  69. You can perfectly imitate Bono falling off the heart ramp.

  70. You write a “You know you’re a U2 fan if…” list.

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